[Call for Papers] The 14th Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking (BMEB)

BI Institute • Kuliah Umum • 24 August 2020

The region’s premier institution, Bank Indonesia Institute – Bank Indonesia, is pleased to host the 14th  Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking (BMEB) International Call for Papers & Webinar Sessions on “Maintaining Stability, Promoting Sustainable Growth Amidst Global Challenges”, in collaboration with the Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association. Through this broad theme and in-light of the ongoing unprecedented global economic challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, this call for papers encourage the rethinking of (a) economic policy priorities amidst the global pandemic, and (b) the economic policy mix for maintaining stability, sustaining growth, and promoting equitable welfare, in the post pandemic era.  

Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking (BMEB) is an international peer-reviewed journal. The BMEB focuses on a broad range of topics covering monetary economics and policy, finance and banking, macro-prudential policy, payment systems, financial stability, financial markets, and structural reform, that are of regional and global relevance. The BMEB’s scope is global and the journal endeavors to publish high quality research that makes a contribution to the literature and/or has an impact on policy making.  In this regard, the BMEB welcomes research papers from both central bank and non-central bank economists, academics, and policy makers regardless of their institutional affiliation and geographic location. Since 2019, the BMEB has been indexed in Scopus, listed in Australia Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List, and included in SINTA-1 Accreditation by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education – The Republic of Indonesia.



Empirical, theoretical, and modelling (including dynamic stochastic general equilibrium modelling) papers on (but not limited to) the following topics are welcomed: 

  • Rethinking economic policy priorities amidst the covid-19 pandemic
  • Lessons from the global covid-19 pandemic for macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy mix
  • Capital flows to emerging markets during the global covid-19 pandemic and preparing for post pandemic era
  • Managing financial stability amidst the global covid-19 pandemic  
  • Effectiveness of Central Bank quantitative easing
  • Global economic spill-over and macro-financial linkages in emerging market economies with implications on economic policy mix.
  • Globalization, inequality, climate risk and financial sector policy
  • Disruptions and the payment system: lessons learned for regulators 
  • Technological change and monetary policy
  • Human capital, labor market dynamics, and monetary policy



The 14th Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking (BMEB) Call for Papers and Webinar Sessions will be officially opened on August 27 2020 at 9.00 am Jakarta time  by Governor Perry Warjiyo of Bank Indonesia (Editor in Chief of BMEB), who will also deliver his keynote address to be followed by the plenary sessions. The general theme for the plenary sessions is “Rethinking Economic Policy Priorities Amidst the Global Pandemic and Preparing for the Post Pandemic Era”.  The following speakers are scheduled to deliver their insights around the theme: 

Hal Hill, H.W. Arndt Professor Emeritus of Southeast Asian Economies -  Australian National University   Iwan J. Azis, Professor, Cornell University and University of Indonesia, Advisor to Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation  Andrew Sheng, Distinguished Fellow, Asia Global Instutute – The University of Hong Kong

The plenary sessions will be moderated by Paresh K. Narayan, Alfred Deakin Professor, Deakin University and President of Asia Pacific Applied Economics Association (APAEA).  

Source : https://www.bmeb-bi.org/index.php/BEMP/announcement/view/15


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